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How to Prepare for Colon Hydrotherapy

First off, congratulations on making the wise choice to invest in your health!  There is nothing else in life worth investing in like your health and health begins in the gut.  So let’s make the most of your investment in colon hydrotherapy and prepare for a good clean out.

It’s not required, but just a little bit of preparation in the days prior to your treatments can really improve your results! After all, you’ve been storing all that toxic waste in your colon over the years and are now taking the time for a course of colonics, why not take the extra steps to clear out as much of it as possible? We have been getting a lot of inquiries on how to prepare for colon hydrotherapy, we find the following steps to me most beneficial:

1. Hydrate

Making sure you are fully hydrated in the days prior to your colon hydrotherapy sessions will really enhance your treatment. Aim to drink 2 liters of water or a minimum of half your weight in ounces daily. Avoiding dehydrating beverages like coffee & alcohol are best avoided in the days prior to and following your colonics. Try bone broth, hot water with crushed lemon, grated ginger, fresh herbs, or cinnamon sticks. Herbal teas such as peppermint, ginger, fennel, licorice, and chamomile are good options.  

2. Eat Your Veggies!

Vegetables should make up at least 50% of your meals. Eating a combination of raw vegetables and cooked veggies can help to ease digestion and prevent bloating if you are not used to eating raw vegetables.  Do try to include green vegetables or salad leaves.

3. Chew Your Food

Your stomach does not have teeth! Good digestion begins in the mouth with thorough chewing and mixing food with saliva.  Chewing your food thoroughly will prevent undigested food and gas pockets in your colon.  

Put your eating utensil down between each mouthful and chew 20-30 times.

4. Drink Vegetables Juices

If you have a juicer or a juice bar near you then drink 1 liter of fresh pressed vegetable juice. If you are not used to vegetable juices you may include apples or pears to add a little sweetness. Carrots and celery are also naturally sweet and alkalizing.

5. Avoid Gas-Forming Foods

The main gas forming culprits are dairy, wheat, legumes and cruciferous vegetables. Here are a few tips on how to keep these gassy foods under control so your colon hydrotherapy treatment will be far more effective.

  • Pulses (legumes) are best eaten when they have been soaked or sprouted as they are easier to digest and less likely to cause gas.

  • Vegetables from the cruciferous family (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, etc) are best eaten cooked, in small portions and chewed thoroughly.

  • Carbonated drinks tend to turn fill the colon with large gas pockets that waste gets trapped behind. You also will be doing your bones a favor by avoiding fizzy drinks as they leach calcium from your bones! 

  • Avoid processed food such as sweets, artificial sweeteners, refined wheat, pasta and flour products, microwave meals and fast food.  Processed foods are made with cheap ingredients that get stuck inside the gut and have no nutritional value!

6. Avoid Laxatives

Laxatives irritate the digestive system to give you diarrhea and do not address the root of the problem.  This includes avoiding herbal laxatives such as Senna that lead to long term constipation, dehydration, and scarring of the intestinal lining. A series of colon hydrotherapy treatments and working closely with your therapist making lifestyle adjustments can make a greater more positive impact on your health than laxatives alone. One of the purposes of colon hydrotherapy is to exercise the bowel to restore natural bowel regularity. 

For those that are not having regular bowel movements, adding a quality magnesium citrate supplement to encourage bowel regularity before beginning a series of colonics can be help get great results.

7. Relax

Schedule your appointments at a time when you can relax and be fully present. If you are nervous for your first session, try incorporating deep breathing and affirmations that this is beneficial for your health, completely confidential, and you are safe in expert hands. The more you can relax, the easier it will be to get a great release of toxins from your body. Pick the best time for you, we have appointments available weekdays, after hours and on Saturdays. Come in 5 minutes early with an open mind and be ready to take away all of the amazing benefits colon hydrotherapy has to offer!

8. Fast

Fasting  for at least 2 hours before your appointment helps make the process as comfortable as possible. Coming in to your session with a full stomach can make for difficult fills and sometimes even nausea. Some people have no trouble at all eating prior to a colonic, but we recommend to wait and eat a healthy and simple meal, soup, veggie juice or smoothie after.

Why Bother With the Preparation?

So you are probably thinking, why bother with all this preparation? Aren’t colonics meant to clean me out anyway?

Sure they can, and do! However, to improve the results of your treatments and clear out as much old toxic waste from the colon as possible, it really makes a big difference if you arrive prepared, hydrated and having eaten sufficient vegetable fiber. Although not required, doing the preparation will mean you maximize your investment in colonics and your health!  If you want to clean out the junk, cut out the junk now and make a fresh start! You can continue with these steps the day of and after your colon hydrotherapy treatment to aid your long-term results.

Colon hydrotherapy is not a quick fix for a poor diet and lifestyle, colonics will help to clean you out the system and develop awareness to motivate you towards a healthier lifestyle!

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